
Welcome to my personal blog.
“Success is based on fun.”
The quote “Success is based on fun” is basically the reason for all the drive I have. My pseudonym “Miss Mirror” comes from my German last name “Spiegel” which means mirror in English. I have many various interests and hobbies which I splitted into different categories such as fashion, lifestyle, travel, food etc. These posts (in general my whole website content) are 100% my opinion and not bribable. All cooperations are comprehensible and marked transparent. I’m getting no benefits, I just really love to share my stories with you …
All Articles:
INTERVIEW MIT ALINA SPIEGEL | zum Musikvideo “Weil i di mog” moderiert von Oliver Stieglitz
Hallo meine Lieben, im Rahmen des neuen Musikvideos "Weil i di mog" von dem Sänger & Songwriter Oliver Stieglitz haben wir noch ein spannendes Interview gefilmt. Darin erfahrt ihr so einiges, unter anderem... ... [...]
MITTELBAYRISCHE ZEITUNG | Ein Beitrag zum neuen Musikvideo “Weil i di mog” von Oliver Stieglitz mit dem Model Alina Spiegel
Dies ist ein weiterer Artikel aus der Mittelbayrischen Zeitung. Hier geht es erneut um das neue Musikvideo "Weil i di mog" von Oliver Stieglitz, in dem ich einige Dirndl von mir präsentiere. [...]
MITTELBAYRISCHE ZEITUNG | Der Gute-Laune-Song aus Cham
In diesem Artikel aus der Mittelbayrischen Zeitung geht es um das neue Musikvideo von Oliver Stieglitz, in dem ich einige Dirndl von mir präsentiere. 👉 Hier geht's auch zum Online-Artikel: https://www.mittelbayerische.de/region/cham-nachrichten/der-gute-laune-song-aus-cham-20909-art2077123.html [...]
MEAVITA SUPERFOOD SMOOTHIE | Schützend für Deine Zellen
Hallo meine Lieben, heute möchte ich ein leckeres Smoothie Rezept mit Euch teilen, das ich entwickelt habe. Es enthält viele Superfoods und ist natürlich dementsprechend gesund. Zutaten: 2 Bananen 2 Pfirsiche 1 [...]
ZUHAUSE FIT BLEIBEN MIT GORILLA SPORTS | 10 effektive Kurzhantel Übungen – für Anfänger & Fortgeschrittene
Kurzhanteln sind die am leichtesten erhältlichen, freien Gewichte und werden daher von den meisten Trainierenden als Erstes ausprobiert, entweder im Fitnessstudio oder als Teil eines Heimtrainings. Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Situation werden die meisten von [...]
MASKE MIT BRLLE | 7 Tipps, damit Deine Brille nicht beschlägt
MASKE MIT BRLLE | 7 Tipps, damit Deine Brille nicht beschlägt Hallo Ihr Lieben, wie jeder von euch inzwischen mitbekommen, empfiehlt die Gesundheitsbehörde WHO das Tragen von Masken in der Öffentlichkeit, um das [...]
YOGA CLASS MIT GORILLA SPORTS | 8 Einsteiger Asanas für Frauen
YOGA CLASS MIT GORILLA SPORTS 8 Einsteiger Asanas für Frauen Hallo Ihr Lieben, Ihr wolltet schon lange einmal Yoga ausprobieren? Heute zeige ich Euch 8 einfache Asanas, die Ihr problemlos zuhause [...]
DRESS TO IMPRESS | Die schönsten Sommerkleider 2020
Die schönsten Sommerkleider 2020 Ab nächster Woche scheint die Sonne für eine gesamte Woche und das zum ersten Mal dieses Jahr. Das macht natürlich Lust auf luftige Kleider, Strohhüte, offene Schuhe und Sonnenbrillen. [...]
Designer Behelfsmasken | Let's fight Covid-19 Hallo Ihr Lieben, auch ich habe die Zeit zuhause genutzt und ein paar schöne Designer Behelfsmasken genäht. Es gibt viele verschiedene Modelle, auch für Herren. Sie [...]
WIES’N FRISUREN | Die 6 passendsten Frisuren zum Dirndl
Die 6 passendsten Frisuren zum Dirndl Das Oktoberfest ist seit einer Woche in vollem Gange und somit werden, wie jedes Jahr natürlich, auch die dazu passenden Styles heiß diskutiert. Das traditionelle bayerische [...]
OFFICE STYLE GUIDE | Dos & Don’ts für Dein Business Outfit
Hallo meine Lieben, heute geht es um ein Thema, mit dem sich wirklich jeder mal im Leben beschäftigen muss und zwar: Wie zieht man sich eigentlich richtig im Büro an? Natürlich geht es in [...]
“NENIN” | Das neue Musikvideo des afrikanischen Künstler Etane Blex (feat. RaXiNoaR) mit Alina als weiblicher Hauptrolle
"NENIN" Das neue Musikvideo des afrikanischen Künstler Etane Blex (feat. RaXiNoaR) mit Alina als weiblicher Hauptrolle In dem Musikvideo geht es darum, dass ein Mann in Afrika nur als Mann gesehen [...]
DIE BAVARIA | Mein Hidden Spot in München
Die Bavaria mein Hidden Spot in München. Habt Ihr schon einmal den 360 Grad Ausblick aus Sicht der Bavaria-Statue genossen? Wir auch nicht! Deswegen haben sich meine Freundin Greta und [...]
Ein riesiger Kleiderschrank für wenig Geld! | 11 Tipps, wie du beim Shoppen so richtig Geld sparen kannst.
Hallo Ihr Lieben, wie Ihr vermutlich schon wisst, bin ich eine echte Online-Shopping-Queen und ich besitze auch das ein oder andere Designerteil in meiner Garderobe. Ihr fragt Euch sicher, wie ich [...]
MEGATREND METALLIC | Der derzeit beliebteste Trend unter den Bloggerinnen
Megatrend Metallic - der derzeit beliebteste Trend unter den Bloggerinnen Der metallische Look ist derzeit der angesagteste Look unter den Modebloggerinnen! Beim Styling ist jedoch Vorsicht angesagt, denn er ist auch gleichzeitig [...]
HIMMELSSCHEIBENLAUF | 10. Platz beim 10KM-Lauf bei der Arche Nebra
Himmelsscheibenlauf „Lieber Spaß durchs Laufen als Kummer durchs Saufen!“ So Ihr Lieben, gestern habe ich mit meinem Dad zusammen am Himmelsscheibenlauf in Sachsen Anhalt teilgenommen. Uns beide hat die Himmelsscheibe [...]
RED TO TOE | Wie Ihr den roten All-Over-Look so richtig rockt
RED TO TOE ROT - die Farbe der Revolution, der Kardinäle, von Horrorfilmen und High Arts. Die Farbe hat ihren Weg bereits von den Runways zu den Streetlooks durchlaufen und verbreitet sich nun überall [...]
SELBSTTEST IM ONLINE DATING | Ein Monat intensives Dating & die unterschiedlichste Reaktionen auf meine Dating-Absagen
Mein Selbsttest im Online-Dating: Einen Monat intensives Online Dating & die unterschiedlichsten Reaktionen auf meine Dating-Absagen Hallo Ihr Lieben, heute gibt es wieder einen Beitrag zum Thema Online Dating. Ich habe [...]
SELBSTTEST IM ONLINE DATING | 5 Dating Plattformen im Vergleich
Mein Selbsttest im Online-Dating: 5 Dating Plattformen im Vergleich Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich weiß, es ist schwierig im Alltag - zwischen Bürostress und Haushalt - die Zeit zu finden jemanden kennenzulernen. [...]
WIEDER DA: POLKA DOTS | Auf den Punkt gebrachte Mode für den Sommer!
Polka Dots Punktlandung: Polka Dots sind wieder da! Hurraaah, denn alle lieben Polka Dots, insbesondere weil sie nach wie vor der Dauerbrenner der weiblichen Rockabilly- und Vintage-Mode sind. Punkte sind nach wie [...]
STATEMENT-EARRINGS | Die schönsten und angesagtesten Modelle zum Nachshoppen
Statement-Earrings Jetzt gibt's was auf die Ohren! Glamouröse Statement Ohrringe sind zur Zeit nicht mehr aus unserer Garderobe wegzudenken. Noch vor ein Paar Jahren trugen wir die Klunker um den [...]
TREND-ALERT: BACKPACKS | Das Comeback des Rucksacks!
Trend-Alert: Backpacks - Das Comeback des Rucksacks! Was tragen Trendsetterinen gerade am liebsten mit sich herum? Genau richtig: einen Rucksack! Denn ein farbiger Backpack ist das perfekte Upgrade für Eure Travel Essentials und [...]
ULTRAVIOLET | Die Pantone® Trendfarbe des Jahres 2018
ULTRAVIOLET Die Pantone-Trendfarbe des Jahres 2018 Jeder von uns wird von Farben beeinflusst und fasziniert. Unterbewusst nehmen wir verschiedene Bedeutungen und Botschaften durch Farben war, weshalb sich viele Marken darin üben Farben [...]
DENIM ALL-OVER | Ein nie endender Trend
Denim All-Over Denim, ein nie endender Trend – und das vollkommen zu Recht. Aus welchem Blickwinkel auch immer, die Jeans ist einfach ein Alleskönner. Strapazierfähig, farbintensiv und super cool! So lässt sich das [...]
MY FRENCH STYLE | 2 Tipps, um Netzstrumpfhosen auch im Winter zu tragen
Mein French-Style-Outfit & 2 Tipps für Euch, um Netzstrumpfhosen auch im Winter zu tragen Wie Ihr vielleicht bereits gemerkt habt, hat der Netzstrumpfhosen-Trend die Bloglandschaft überschwemmt. Allerdings kann dieser schöne [...]
It’s all about RED DETAILS!
It's all about RED details! Hallo Ihr Lieben, was wäre mein heutiges Outfit ohne die roten Details. Durch diese gezielt gesetzten Highlights verwandelt sich mein eintöniger Look zum Hingucker und wirkt aufregend und individuell. Wie [...]
BAD SHOPPING HABITS | 13 schlechte Shopping-Angewohnheiten, die Ihr schnell ablegen solltet
13 schlechte Shopping-Angewohnheiten, die Ihr so schnell, wie möglich, ablegen solltet Vielleicht geht es Euch ähnlich wie mir und es sammelt sich so der ein oder andere Fehlkauf in Eurer Garderobe. Manche [...]
GOZO | Mein persönlicher Reise-Geheimtipp im Mittelmeer
Gozo ist ein sehr ruhiger Ort, der bisher kaum vom Tourismus erschlossen wurde und eine Insel mit besonderem Flair. Die Schwesterninsel von Malta springt sofort ins Auge, denn sie ist grüner, ruhiger und [...]
TAUCHEN AUF GOZO | Ein Topziel für jeden Taucher!
Tauchen auf Gozo: Egal ob Wrack, Riff- oder Höhlenliebhaber, beim Tauchen auf Gozo ist defintiv für jeden etwas dabei! Gozos zerklüftete Landschaft und die spektakuläre Küste bieten grandiose 27 verschiedene Tauchspots und laden [...]
FASHION GOES POLITICAL | The best slogan shirts to shop right now
Fashion Goes Political the best slogan shirts to shop right now Hallo Ihr Lieben, Slogan Shirts nehmen dieses Jahr überhand. Nicht nur auf dem Runway sind sie zu sehen, auch Instagram ist komplett [...]
RAUF AUF’S RAD! | Die besten 10 Tipps und Tricks für stylisches Radfahren mit Komfort!
Rauf auf‘s Rad! Die besten 10 Tipps und Tricks für stylisches Radfahren mit Komfort! Hallo Ihr Lieben, elegante Damen in schicken Outfits auf dem Rad? Ja ich weiß… das kann man sich kaum [...]
ANGERMAIER DIRNDL CASTING 2017 | Unter den Top 10 von über 300 Bewerberinnen
Angermaier Dirndl Casting 2017 unter den Top 10 von über 300 Bewerberinnen Seit ca 20 Jahren findet die legendäre Angermaier Trachtennacht in der "alten Kongresshalle" direkt an der Theresienwiese in München jedes Jahr [...]
“ADOPT, DON’T SHOP” | BellieBaer shirts for a good cause
Hallo Ihr Lieben, „Adopt, don’t shop“ ist ein Slogan von „BellieBaer", den ich durchaus unterstreichen würde. Denn auch ich habe vor ein paar Jahren eine herum streunende Katze adoptiert, die auf der Straße gelebt [...]
Healthy Banana Pancakes: These healthy gluten- and dairy-free banana pancakes are literally made from bananas and incredibly simple. There are only two basic ingredients which are mixed together. They definitely taste like bananas, [...]
STATEMENT KNIT | a few thoughts about knitwear
Like we know, in April the weather changes all the time, and there are still cold days, where we need to wear cozy knitwear. On knitwear you can count on year after year! A [...]
MADEIRA | Scuba Diving
Climate Because of the mild climate the whole year Madeira is a very interesting and popular diver's spot. We went to Madeira in the middle of March. During this time of the year it [...]
MADEIRA | Typical Fruits & Dishes
Madeira – Typical Fruits & Dishes Vegetation: The vegetation is incredible and very versatile. There are various fruits to try. In the center of Funchal you can visit the market "mercado dos Lavradores". Better [...]
MADEIRA | Hiking Tours & Levada Walks
Madeira - Hiking Tours & Levada Walks Madeira is the perfect island for everybody who is obsessed with hiking tours. There are multiple hiking trails - from easy to moderate and difficult [...]
CLASSIC ARTICHOKES | (for plucking) with yogurt egg dip
Classic artichokes for plucking with yogurt egg dip: Artichokes are super healthy and very tasteful at the same time. A real superfood! There are many unexpected health benefits and you can simply add this [...]
THE PARKA | THE Winter Musthave
Cold and dark mornings and you have to struggle to leave your warm and comfy bed! We all know this feeling. To make those mornings easier you have to use one basic item: The [...]
NOT ENOUGH MONEY? | Why it is better to travel with low budget …
We always think we need a big bank account for travelling, but that is just not true! Money is not necessary to gain experience and knowledge. Everybody knows these days when you think about [...]
Caribbean Curaçao Layer Cake
For my birthday this year I wanted to try something different and surprise my colleagues. It was THE sensation in the office today due to the bright blue color. It looks kind of poisonous, [...]
GREENERY | THE trend color of 2017
Greenery the Pantone trend color of 2017 "Serenity" and "Rose Quartz" were last year's pantone trend colors that stood for our need of harmony in a chaotic world.In 2017, "Greenery" is the new [...]
This is a super fluffy and sticky recipe which my whole family loved with super healthy ingredients except the sugar. My boyfriend had to take three pieces in a row because he didn’t want [...]
XMAS AT WORK | BestSecret is celebrating Christmas
BestSecret Christmas Party in 2016 This year the BestSecret Christmas party took place in the famous soccer stadium "Allianz Arena" in Munich, Fröttmaning. The online company rented the VIP lounge and about [...]
GO WEST | A post about tartan patterns
Inspired by the New York, Milan and Paris runways designers can’t get enough of tartan this season. Tartan or "plaid" as some people call it instead is a great option because it is on-trend [...]
MOLOGUE | Kurzinterview mit Alina Spiegel
Durch Instagram habe ich viele Kooperationspartner kennengelernt MOLOGUE: Warum bist du auf Instagram? Alina Spiegel: Ursprünglich habe ich aus beruflichen Gründen damit angefangen. Ich war bereits in der Modebranche tätig und es erschien [...]
Oktoberfest is a magical time. Whether you’re traveling to Munich for the official festival or participating in imitated celebrations around the world, there is always something special about the event. Whether it’s the golden [...]
Statement furs - trend in 2016: Colorful fur - both real and faux - coats were spotted on almost all the Fall/Winter runways from New York to Paris. The bold colors caught the eyes [...]
RACHALINA | Our fashion session of “How to style a blazer”
How to style a blazer The blogger Racha Fajjari & Alina Spiegel "RACHALINA" talk about the latest styles and trends, how to wear a blazer and how to combine it best. [...]
Add splash of color to late summer days! Teal, a medium-saturated, blue-green color, is not only the 2016 FALL trend color in fashion, it is also THE color for interiors this season. Its name comes [...]
KÄFER PICNIC | “Käfer” Photo Contest
On Facebook I participated in a social media photo contest of the known delicacies and catering trade "Käfer" here, in Munich. With the photo underneath, I got the second price and won a dinner [...]
The key colors of this look is the combination of the complementary colors yellow and blue which give the outfit an extraordinary touch and make it look different. The perfect styling for bright [...]
The Bohemian style is all about accessorising your hair, whether with flowers, feathers, jewels, headscarves, hats or braids like I choose. These are the perfect accessory that will complete your look and when your [...]
CANAINA | Whirlpool Cocktail
???? At first I bought an amazing fruit cutter which helped me to carve the pineapple. I was so amazed by this tool that I had to fill in a delicious drink and create [...]
BITMOJI | The musthave emoji app for your phone
Creating personalized emoticons with the "Bitmoji" app Recently I discovered a really great emoticons' app which is called Bitmoji! I love this app! It allows you to create personalized and [...]
DANCING IN BLUE | My ballroom dancing experience on a ship
It was the perfect weather for a trip with this dancing ship "MS Starnberg" on the "Starnberger lake". Wonderful sunset and very warm! There we danced ballroom into the night. Many different [...]
UPTOWN GIRL | Blue and white is my most favorite color combination this season
Royal blue meets innocent white! It's THE hottest trend combi this summer. Delightful, cheerfull and light! It might be inspired by the lately very popular holiday destination "Santorini" which almost all the Instagram bloggers [...]
URBAN SPRAWL | How I start to create my looks
Sometimes I have these kind of days when I just don´t know what to wear. In this case, I always pull out the first item that catches my eyes when I open my closet. [...]
MY BARCELONA TRAVEL GUIDE | Must do’s and eats
It is like in a movie: In Barcelona every evening all different kind of people sit around and cook together. There is always something happening everywhere. Here are my top tips for you [...]
Say It With Flowers
Dreamy, milky and soft, pastels aren’t just for little girls anymore. Pastels have grown up and become sophisticated. I am absolutely in love with the Pantone’s colors of the year 2016 "Rose Quartz" and [...]
Strapless looks: The new summer’s must-have?! Yes, absolutely! Off the shoulder pullovers, dresses and tops are the epiphany of summer. Basically they are this summer's key silhouette. Not sure what to wear to the [...]
TITAN ARUM | The worlds largest flower in the Botanical Garden in Munich
TITAN ARUM The world's largest flower Today I visited the world's smelliest and largest flower "Amorphophallus Titanum" or in short "Titan Arum" (in German "Titanwurz). Hundreds of visitors were flocking to the [...]
BOLD MOOD | the trend of vibrant colors in 2016
Bold & vibrant colors trend in 2016 ...and one of the trends in 2016 is going bold. The main elements are vibrant and bold colors that fit in with the 80s/90s retro trend. Retro-inspired palettes [...]
WEDDING SEASON | What to wear as a wedding guest
It was the perfect weather and location for a wedding of one of my friends! Nice, sunny and warm! The church wedding took place in the beautiful castle "Faber-Castell" in Nuremberg. After the ceremonial [...]
ÒRAMA LONDON | An affordable luxury jewellery brand with ethos
"New luxury. Genuine benevolence. True empowerment." “I have enough jewelry” – has never said a woman ever. Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes every woman feel unique. [...]
MARBLELOUS | The new marble trend
VANS meet marble Marble has been around us for centuries. Already ancient greeks were fascinated by its texture. This year I saw this inspiring pattern in almost every design field like print, web, [...]
THE MULTI DRESS | Ten gowns in one
100 dresses in one! The "Multi" dress is a garment that can be wraped in a lot of different ways. There is absolutely no limit in varations. The very long elastic straps make it [...]
Schönbrunn Palace With Style
"The palace is magnificent, the furniture befitting of a queen and in the best of taste. The gardens have everything that art has ever created." - Johann Edler von Kurzböck, 1779 The Schönbrunn Palace [...]
CLUB DER KÖCHINNEN | Zu Besuch bei München TV
"Club der Köchinnen" Raxinoar with Alina Spiegel @MünchenTV talking about the new music video "Baby Girl" The two African singers Paul and Pierre from the music group "RaXiNoaR" and Alina [...]
ELECTRIC ORANGE | My challenge at Marienplatz in the center of Munich
Electric Orange Fashion comes around and goes around, style will last forever! It was an exciting, new challenge and a pretty brave action for me to stand still at Marienplatz, which [...]
TARTAN LOVE | About plaid patterns and how to mix it with leopard prints
Tartan is a classic print for everyday that can update modern silhouettes. Additionally it is very functional during the cold weather because it does not only keep you cozy, it looks great as well. [...]
Sweet as Japanese flowers
"Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature." - Gerard De Nerval The weather is changing. Birds start to sing... Spring is there! I felt like dressing in verly bright pastel colors to assimilate [...]
My fringed Madonna look
My today's look was inspired by the singer "Madonna". I tried to create an outfit which combines many different stylings of her career life. Therefor I chose the color black as the main [...]
SATIN FEVER | My guide about this noble material
2016 Trend Update: Satin Satin seems to be the fabric trend in 2016. It made a huge comeback this year and you can see this lightweight fabric on almost every catwalk from London to New [...]
THE GREAT GATSBY REVIVAL | My carneval look in 2016
Carneval 2016 Make-up in the 20s: Strong make-up was very essential for the modern look: Rouge, light powder, dark lips, eyes framed with kohl and high, extremely thin eyebrows were part of the [...]
#FromWhereIStand | THE Instagram Photo Trend
#FromWhereIStand - THE Instagram Photo Trend "I firmly believe that with the right footwear one can rule the world." —Bette Midler #FromwhereIstand is one of the most popular photo trend on @Instagram [...]
GREAT GATSBY | My first shooting experience with a vintage large format camera
"Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will." — Anne Klein For the shooting we used a real vintage large format camera, which I am holding in one [...]
RAINBOW SPIN | A cinemagraph challenge
Have you ever heard of "cinemagraphs"? It is a new technique combining a video and photo. Basically it is living photography which usually occurs in a manually created loop. [...]
PINK ROCKS! | A post about the color pink and how to wear patches
Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude! - Miley Cyrus Watch out! The colorful patches from the nineties are back! I designed and stitched the skirt by myself and costumized it with [...]
BABY! IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! | Testing the new Samsung NX500 during our lunchbreak
Very cold and freezing rooftop streetstyle shooting with the photographer Dennis Gelner in January 2016. It was taken at a cloudy winter day on top of a garage in Munich. No tiretracks, not a [...]
SHADES OF BLUE | Die Lieblingsfarbe der Deutschen
Blue - the most favourite color of all Germans Blue will continue to be a trending color in 2016. The color is perfect for intense accents and it makes a statement without being too [...]
Veronica Bond Lookbook Shooting Extroverts and daring fashionistas will love rocking this season’s red trend from head to toe. Although it may be a bold look, going red all over is completely on-trend [...]
Sherlock Holmes Look This look reminds me of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. It was my inspiration for another cinemagraph with a lupe and a winking eye. The cape is [...]
Yeah... Can you believe this? This is me!! 😀 I was very excited to experience such an amazing and creative editorial shooting! I colored my whole body with fluourescent body paint which shines in [...]
SEQUINS FREQUENCE | Add sparkling glamour to your look for the upcoming festive days
"And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time." —Lady Gaga It’s that time of year when your inbox is overflowing with party invitations but your dress [...]
Alina Spiegel designed and stitched the fur cape by herself. It was part of her diploma collection "Urban Luxury". Ecological and environmentally friendly fur The used fur in this collection is very ecological [...]
The time has come, ... we all know that for the next couple of weeks our calendars will be filled with social events for planing and celebrating the holiday season. And in my opinion [...]
THE PEARL DREAM | About marvellous statement collars with pearls
“Costume jewelry is not made to give women an aura of wealth, but to make them beautiful” - Coco Chanel In the early 1930’s Chanel launched her first fine jewelry collection [...]
Overknees are very trendy this season and the perfect all-rounder: practical, warm, cozy, ... They enhance absolutely every outfit. A stunning eyecatcher for every day! Veronica Bond Lookbook Shooting Overknees - [...]
Camel is a color that resembles the color of the hair of a camel. The first recorded use of color name "camel" in English was in 1916. Of course there is a reason why [...]
SIMPLY RED | THE color trend this season
"When in doubt, wear red." —Bill Blass What's autumn without a big hit of color? Red is THE color trend this season, a highly influential fashion color! Bright and vibrant red is a mood [...]
BABY GIRL | Taking the official music video with the singers RaXiNoaR | Day 2
"Baby Girl" - Official Music Video Everyone wants to have his own Baby Girl ... but first enjoy watching this music video ... more songs and videos will come in 2016! Enjoy! [...]
BABY GIRL | Taking the official music video with the singers RaXiNoaR | Day 1
Bling, bling!! The African music group "RaXiNoaR" wrote a new song called "Baby Girl" and this months we got to record the music video of it. Alina Spiegel got the lead and [...]
MUNICH SUBWAY | Recording our first cinemagraph
To see more exciting cinemagraph examples go to the website cinemagraphs.com It was our very first try to create a mixture of a video and photo. We used a new and [...]
Whenever it pops up on the red carpet, it's feathers: Big, small, thin, plentiful, all types of feathers you can imagine. Feathers are everywhere at the moment and they are one of the biggest [...]
DAD HAT TREND | Basecaps and other types
The 90s are back! Basecaps and other types have a huge comeback in our wardrobe this season. They are stylish and functional at the same time: Perfect and super practical for a bad hair [...]
BAVARIAN PASTELS | A unique Couture Dirndl for Oktoberfest
Alina Spiegel created this unique Couture Dirndl for the Oktoberfest 2015 by herself. It is made out of precious taffeta with an traditional pattern and has a very silky touch. Every year Alina Spiegel [...]
MUNICH CHIC | Lookbook shooting for the fashion brand Veronica Bond
Veronica Bond Lookbook Shooting ALINA SPIEGEL was a model for the VERONICA BOND lookbook shooting which shows the new collection for spring/summer 2016. Since 1986 VERONICA BOND designs her own evening gowns, [...]
Finally Friday! Today the almost the whole outfit I am wearing (jacket with tassels, pleated skirt, leopard shoes, clutch with golden metal details) is from the trendy fashion label Fashion Pills. It [...]
Selfmade Couture Dirndl in light pink and green I created this unique Couture Dirndl for the Oktoberfest 2015 by myself. It is made out of precious tulle with embroidered applications and has [...]
AUTUMN LAYERING | Der Zwiebellook
“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” —Henry Beston Layers over layers: Fashionable layering always works for a perfect [...]
VINTAGE TAPESTRY | A big fabric trend in 2015
Tapestry Fabric - Trend in 2015 Growing tired of always the same fabrics for summer dresses such as cotton? You are not alone! Instead of buying the same type of material again I found [...]
Another warm day left in Munich... The pictures were taken at a wonderful Saturday morning before we started to record the music video "Baby Girl" by Raxinoar. I couldn't resist to take a photo [...]
LEOPARD LOVERS | My styling tips for wild animal patterns
Take a walk on the wild side with the help of leopard prints! Leopard print is fall’s most powerful trend. No wonder that at a time when the world at large is questioning what [...]
GREEN SUMMER | Metallic tattoos are THE musthave accessories for this summer
Enjoying the wonderful and warm summer with a flattering, bright green maxi dress out of a light and flowing Chiffon. The red wall in an old and artistic factory was the perfect spot [...]
#AllBlackEverything | An urban fashion trend from the United States
#allblackeverything is lately one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram used by almost every fashion blogger! Actually, this way it became an urban fashion trend which had its origin in the United States. [...]
"I'm really into good nutrition and keeping healthy! That said, I'm also addicted to candy - It's my biggest weakness." -Kina Grannis Same with candy colors! Pastels are on rise again this season and [...]
Florals? For spring? Duh! Florals are all about having fun with clothing and they create joy and romance to everybody in spring. Perhaps this is why the floral trend is just always the one [...]
It's easy to lose yourself in the tried and tested staple items you wear every day. So, instead of wearing the same basic blouse and blazer to work, or your regular coat day-in, day-out, [...]
"Woman who wear black lead colorful lives." —Neiman Markus This day I just came back from Lugano where I visited one of my best friends Marlen. Right after arriving at the airport [...]
"Black and white is abstract; color is not. Looking at a black and white photograph, you are already looking at a strange world." - Joel Sternfeld Two colors - one trend: Black [...]
Pastels or pastel colors are the family of colors which have a low to intermediate saturation. The colors of this family are usually described as soothing, soft, near neutral, milky, washed out, desaturated, and [...]
RED&WHITE SUMMER PARTY | The singers RaXiNoaR are celebrating there birthday
Red & White Summer Party The musicians Paul and Pierre celebrated their birthday in the English Garden in Munich! They chose the theme "red and white" for the party. The singer twins [...]
YELLOW LACE | The hidden treasure of the runways
Lace – the hidden treasure of the runways throughout the world Lace is being discovered as the comeback piece every year. After all, no other piece has so many faces: from seductive and [...]
BMW Mini Cooper S Convertible - Test Drive: Such a fun day! Very nice and sunny and a clear sky! Just the perfect weather for a joyride with this amazing car. [...]
Hipster! Lately everybody seems to talk about the hype "Hipsters". But what are hipsters and how is their style defined? There are a few things on what you can recognize them: First of all, [...]
So many articles have been written about women´s affection for bags. Regardless of whether it is for school, for shopping, the gym or work, trendy premium bags are a must-have for every fashion lover. [...]
For 5 years by now I have wanted to take pictures in front of these wonderful and phenomenal cherry trees. Unfortunately they just bloom for only one week each year. That's why it makes [...]
The Neon Fashion Trend: Neon yellow color is still in the fashion trends! Actually right now it's taking over the world! Not everyone loves to wear neon color though as it doesn’t suits most [...]
HOUNDSTOOTH SPIRIT | Das Hahnentrittmuster, das die Bloglandschaft überschwemmt
Houndstooth is a duotone textile pattern characterized by broken checks or abstract four-pointed shapes. Often the colors are in black and white, but although other colours are used. Color combinations in black and [...]
BACHATA ON TOP OF MUNICH | A short romantic dancing video for fun
romantic dancing Bachata coming from the Dominican republic is a social dance which is danced all over the world. It is accosiated with a type of music at the same time. In partnering, [...]
“If you want to shoot fashion, shoot in color, but if you want to shoot emotion, shoot in black and white.” Unfortunately I don't remember who said this, but whoever it was, I have [...]
MY ULTIMATE BAVARIAN STYLE GUIDE | How to dress Bavarian accurately
How to dress Bavarian accurately: Tradtitional clothing which is cold "Tracht" plays a huge role in the Bavarian life, much more than in any other states of Germany. In Bavaria wearing a dirndl or lederhosen [...]
HEIMATLIEBE | My First Selfmade Dirndl
This year, I started to teach my-self how to create a traditional Bavrian dress called "Dirndl". I started this whole progress because I got veeeeeery tired of the same looking, odd and boring dirndl [...]
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