
YOGA CLASS MIT GORILLA SPORTS | 8 Einsteiger Asanas für Frauen

Von |2022-03-09T15:48:28+01:00Juli 5th, 2020|Blog, Fitness & Sports, Lifestyle Blog|

YOGA CLASS MIT GORILLA SPORTS 8 Einsteiger Asanas für Frauen Hallo Ihr Lieben, Ihr wolltet schon lange einmal Yoga ausprobieren? Heute zeige ich Euch 8 einfache Asanas, die Ihr problemlos zuhause ausprobieren könnt, um einen kleinen Eindruck aus der Yoga-Welt zu erhaschen. Alles, was Ihr hierzu braucht, ist ein wenig Motivation [...]

“ADOPT, DON’T SHOP” | BellieBaer shirts for a good cause

Von |2018-06-17T13:03:18+02:00August 25th, 2017|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Hallo Ihr Lieben, „Adopt, don’t shop“ ist ein Slogan von „BellieBaer", den ich durchaus unterstreichen würde. Denn auch ich habe vor ein paar Jahren eine herum streunende Katze adoptiert, die auf der Straße gelebt hat. Wenn Ihr Tiere genauso liebt, wie ich und Euch ebenso für den Tierschutz einsetzen möchtet, dann seid Ihr hier [...]

THE PARKA | THE Winter Musthave

Von |2018-03-06T21:33:04+01:00März 3rd, 2017|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Cold and dark mornings and you have to struggle to leave your warm and comfy bed! We all know this feeling. To make those mornings easier you have to use one basic item: The parka! It is an absolute must and good classic to have because you can reinvent this piece over and over [...]

GREENERY | THE trend color of 2017

Von |2018-03-06T21:34:02+01:00Januar 1st, 2017|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Greenery the Pantone trend color of 2017 "Serenity" and "Rose Quartz" were last year's pantone trend colors that stood for our need of harmony in a chaotic world.In 2017, "Greenery" is the new name of the Pantone color of the year! A very fresh, yellowish green color, that is associated as symbol for [...]

THE MULTI DRESS | Ten gowns in one

Von |2018-03-08T12:27:06+01:00April 5th, 2016|Blog, Fashion Blog|

100 dresses in one! The "Multi" dress is a garment that can be wraped in a lot of different ways. There is absolutely no limit in varations. The very long elastic straps make it possible. Each time you wrap yourself with a new method the dress will look completely new and different. You could [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:38:46+01:00Juli 4th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

It's easy to lose yourself in the tried and tested staple items you wear every day. So, instead of wearing the same basic blouse and blazer to work, or your regular coat day-in, day-out, choose a fun alternative to these key items and let your vibrant personality shine. Do not be afraid of other [...]

MY ULTIMATE BAVARIAN STYLE GUIDE | How to dress Bavarian accurately

Von |2018-03-08T12:44:23+01:00April 16th, 2014|Blog, Dirndl, Fashion Blog|

How to dress Bavarian accurately: Tradtitional clothing which is cold "Tracht" plays a huge role in the Bavarian life, much more than in any other states of Germany. In Bavaria wearing a dirndl or lederhosen you will always be dressed to perfection. Folklore customes are not only a fashionable way to dress, they will always [...]


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