
Caribbean Curaçao Layer Cake

Von |2017-09-19T12:30:35+02:00Januar 18th, 2017|Blog, Food Blog|

For my birthday this year I wanted to try something different and surprise my colleagues. It was THE sensation in the office today due to the bright blue color. It looks kind of poisonous, but actually it is healthier than most of the cakes. Basically, it tastes like the famous cocktail Pina Colada. [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:48:51+01:00Dezember 25th, 2016|Blog, Food Blog|

This is a super fluffy and sticky recipe which my whole family loved with super healthy ingredients except the sugar. My boyfriend had to take three pieces in a row because he didn’t want to stop enjoying the cake. Especially my dad loved the cake even though he has a low opinion of superfoods. [...]


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