
Miss Mirror

“Success is based on fun”

The quote “Success is based on fun” is basically the reason for all the drive I have. My pseudonym “Miss Mirror” comes from my German last name “Spiegel” which means mirror in English. I have many various interests and hobbies which I splitted into different categories such as fashion, lifestyle, travel, food etc. These posts (in general my whole website content) are 100% my opinion and not bribable. All cooperations are comprehensible and marked transparent. I’m getting no benefits, I just really love to share my stories with you …

HOUNDSTOOTH SPIRIT | Das Hahnentrittmuster, das die Bloglandschaft überschwemmt

Von |2021-01-19T20:37:56+01:00April 14th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Houndstooth is a duotone textile pattern characterized by broken checks or abstract four-pointed shapes. Often the colors are in black and white, but although other colours are used. Color combinations in black and white, in brown and tan, or other earthtone weaves, are very popular designs in tweed materials used for sport coats [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:44:07+01:00Juli 18th, 2014|Blog, Fashion Blog|

“If you want to shoot fashion, shoot in color, but if you want to shoot emotion, shoot in black and white.” Unfortunately I don't remember who said this, but whoever it was, I have to agree. It seems that emotions cannot be captured the same way with a color photograph. When you compare the [...]

MY ULTIMATE BAVARIAN STYLE GUIDE | How to dress Bavarian accurately

Von |2018-03-08T12:44:23+01:00April 16th, 2014|Blog, Dirndl, Fashion Blog|

How to dress Bavarian accurately: Tradtitional clothing which is cold "Tracht" plays a huge role in the Bavarian life, much more than in any other states of Germany. In Bavaria wearing a dirndl or lederhosen you will always be dressed to perfection. Folklore customes are not only a fashionable way to dress, they will always [...]

HEIMATLIEBE | My First Selfmade Dirndl

Von |2018-03-08T12:59:15+01:00September 10th, 2013|Blog, Dirndl, Fashion Blog|

This year, I started to teach my-self how to create a traditional Bavrian dress called "Dirndl". I started this whole progress because I got veeeeeery tired of the same looking, odd and boring dirndl designs for Oktoberfest - a famous beer and "Volksfest" festival here in Munich, Bavaria which you have heard of for [...]


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