
Miss Mirror

Fashion Blog

Wear what your mood tells you to!

Welcome to my fashion blog! My pseudonym “Miss Mirror” comes from my German last name “Spiegel” which means mirror in English. I love to express myself through fashion every day in a new way depending on the mood I feel. I’ve always been fascinated by fashion. In my blog I share shopping tips and my personal style. The following posts (in general my whole website content) are 100% my opinion and not bribable. All cooperations are comprehensible and marked transparent. I’m getting no benefits, I just really love to share my stories with you  Get inspired!

so scroll down and have fun experimenting my looks…


Von |2021-01-19T21:07:54+01:00Mai 15th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog, Lifestyle Blog|

BMW Mini Cooper S Convertible - Test Drive: Such a fun day! Very nice and sunny and a clear sky! Just the perfect weather for a joyride with this amazing car. So I hopped in this lovely MINI Cooper S Convertible and drove through the breathtaking scenery of Bavaria exclusively with [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:41:50+01:00Mai 5th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Hipster! Lately everybody seems to talk about the hype "Hipsters". But what are hipsters and how is their style defined? There are a few things on what you can recognize them: First of all, hipster love to wear vintage or grungy clothes also called the "grunge look". Their style looks unintentionally cool and casual. [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:42:05+01:00Mai 1st, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

So many articles have been written about women´s affection for bags. Regardless of whether it is for school, for shopping, the gym or work, trendy premium bags are a must-have for every fashion lover. What most of us women have in common is that we pack almost everything into one bag we need. It [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:42:11+01:00April 22nd, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

For 5 years by now I have wanted to take pictures in front of these wonderful and phenomenal cherry trees. Unfortunately they just bloom for only one week each year. That's why it makes it pretty hard to arrange a nice shooting, but this year I finally managed to fulfill my dream ... [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:42:20+01:00April 18th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

The Neon Fashion Trend: Neon yellow color is still in the fashion trends! Actually right now it's taking over the world! Not everyone loves to wear neon color though as it doesn’t suits most people, but anyone can wear neon trend when it comes to freedom of style. Like I said before, style should [...]

HOUNDSTOOTH SPIRIT | Das Hahnentrittmuster, das die Bloglandschaft überschwemmt

Von |2021-01-19T20:37:56+01:00April 14th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Houndstooth is a duotone textile pattern characterized by broken checks or abstract four-pointed shapes. Often the colors are in black and white, but although other colours are used. Color combinations in black and white, in brown and tan, or other earthtone weaves, are very popular designs in tweed materials used for sport coats [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:44:07+01:00Juli 18th, 2014|Blog, Fashion Blog|

“If you want to shoot fashion, shoot in color, but if you want to shoot emotion, shoot in black and white.” Unfortunately I don't remember who said this, but whoever it was, I have to agree. It seems that emotions cannot be captured the same way with a color photograph. When you compare the [...]

MY ULTIMATE BAVARIAN STYLE GUIDE | How to dress Bavarian accurately

Von |2018-03-08T12:44:23+01:00April 16th, 2014|Blog, Dirndl, Fashion Blog|

How to dress Bavarian accurately: Tradtitional clothing which is cold "Tracht" plays a huge role in the Bavarian life, much more than in any other states of Germany. In Bavaria wearing a dirndl or lederhosen you will always be dressed to perfection. Folklore customes are not only a fashionable way to dress, they will always [...]


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