
XMAS AT WORK | BestSecret is celebrating Christmas

Von |2018-04-25T21:36:09+02:00Dezember 8th, 2016|Blog, Fashion Blog, Lifestyle Blog|

BestSecret Christmas Party in 2016 This year the BestSecret Christmas party took place in the famous soccer stadium "Allianz Arena" in Munich, Fröttmaning. The online company rented the VIP lounge and about 1.000 employees were invited. It was a magical atmosphere: Golden light lightened the fog outside. It felt like we travelled [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:50:16+01:00Oktober 1st, 2016|Blog, Dirndl, Fashion Blog|

Oktoberfest is a magical time. Whether you’re traveling to Munich for the official festival or participating in imitated celebrations around the world, there is always something special about the event. Whether it’s the golden light of the autumn weather, the smell of ginger bread or sweet roasted almonds, the ice cold beer, or just [...]

Straight & Classic Fashion Stills

Von |2018-02-26T12:55:35+01:00Juni 26th, 2016|Photo Art|

Straight & Classic Fashion Stills Inspirational Photos Styling, photography & photo editing by Alina Spiegel   STRAIGHT & CLASSIC Fashion Stills which I created for the exclusive shopping community BestSecret. To get a desirable membership there please don't hesitate to contact me. [...]

Creative Fashion Stills

Von |2018-02-26T12:59:05+01:00Februar 26th, 2016|Photo Art|

Creative Fashion Stills Inspirational Photos Styling, photography & photo editing by Alina Spiegel   Behind the scenes: Follow Us On Did you like this blog entry? I hope you enjoyed this post, check in [...]


Von |2018-03-08T12:33:01+01:00Dezember 7th, 2015|Blog, Fashion Blog|

Alina Spiegel designed and stitched the fur cape by herself. It was part of her diploma collection "Urban Luxury". Ecological and environmentally friendly fur The used fur in this collection is very ecological and environmentally friendly because the animals are NOT killed for the fur. Every year, about 450,000 red foxes are shot [...]


Von |2018-02-26T12:56:44+01:00November 26th, 2015|Photo Art|

Cinemagraphs Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Oliver Kalechstein Cinemagraph: Oliver Kalechstein Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza Cinemagraph: Rafael Souza GIF: Alina Spiegel Cinemagraph: Dennis [...]


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